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Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Rock and Fortress

For you are my rock and my fortress; 
Therefore, for Your name's sake, 
Lead me and guide me.  
Pull me out of the net which they
  have secretly laid up for me, 
For You are my strength.
Into Your hand I commit my spirit;
You have redeemed me, O Lord 
   God of truth.

Ps. 31:3-5

For you are my rock and fortress, this is a powerful image when you have a visual.  Imagine that the extremes of weather, time and life won't do much to this rock. Jesus is our rock and fortress. That alone would be enough, but like the commercials say "...but, wait there's more..."  Therefore, for Your name's sake, Lead me and guide me. This couldn't be any stronger, it's not my  name sake or Joe Bob's, Billie Jeans, or anyone else, it is Your Name's sake.  The Creator of the Universe.  The CREATOR, not some nebulous thing that you can't comprehend, well maybe it's tough to think of Him that way. The Father of us all.  Pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid up for me,  We aren't talking the internet although now a days it could be.  This is all the stuff that circumstances and events that our enemies and the evil one lay up on us.

The deception and lies in life that we are constantly bombarded with. We know exactly which ones that affect us spiritually, physically, and mentally when we don't focus on the life the Father has blessed us with.  Man, I've been there in the net trying to struggle free and it just wasn't working.  Thankfully someone would remind me that it's not me alone, that I needed to quit taking my struggles back from the Lord. This is something that I do often, not meaning to, but it just happens.  I like being in control of my Life, but I like having Him being in Control of me.  It makes is so much easier.  Humility is a great motivator for me as I begin to see some of the Plans of the Lord as they relate to me.  He is wonderful in moving the life around me and letting me catch a glimpse of His "God Moment."  The kind of moment when you know you are in the presence of the Holy Spirit and He is making something wonderful happen.  That is a beautiful thing.

For You are my strength.  Oh, yes, Father you are my strength.  You give us the Power to move forward when we are down. You give the strength to Love someone that we normally would rather not be with. You give us the ability to gather together to serve You in extraordinary and supernatural ways.  We don't have it in us to be that strong for one another.  It is only through You, Jesus that we have that strength.

Into Your hand I commit my spirit;  Into Your hand Father I commit my spirit, this isn't a physical thing it's a spiritual and supernatural essence of our being.  We can think of the times as children or as a parent or grandparent of reaching out to the one we trust and love and wanting that touch.  It is grace to see a small child reach out their little hand and want to have someone take it and give them comfort.  We give the Father our Lord Jesus our hand to take our spirit and give us comfort and shelter.  When I was deathly ill this past year that was my prayer, Lord into you I commit my spirit, what comfort that was knowing that He had me in His hand.  He gave me comfort and peace and told me it wasn't time for me to go yet, that He had plans for me to complete before I could be with Him.  Thank-you Lord.

You have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.  I am redeemed. I am delivered from sin and its consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for me the sinner.  (Webster's loose definition).  The sacrifice was Jesus Christ who unselfishly gave Himself up for not only my sin, but the sin of the world.  That includes you and all of us.  Why is it so hard for people to understand?  For God so loved the world that He gave His  only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.  John 3:16-17.
What more can we ask for?  We can't do this alone, for we have a Savior that is right there, meeting us with open arms and is as Loving as we will ever know.  Where will you place your Love, for me it is founded on my Rock and Fortress, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I'm currently sitting in a living room watching a Florida Football game with our hosts Bruce and Marcy. They are heavenly sent. We are enjoying their company and hospitality thanking the Lord for their faith and Love for Jesus. We have worshipped, prayed, laughed and talked together like friends that have known each other for ever.

We have such a kinship in the Father. Would you believe that we had never met in person prior to our arrival two days ago? It's true. We had only talked three or four times on the phone prior to coming to visit. The power of the Holy Spirit brought us here. We stepped out in faith to come to a place that the Lord wanted us to see and experience. There is so much more to tell and the Lord will give me wisdom to share this heavenly experience with you.

God Bless

Friday, September 21, 2012

Kingdom Journeys

What comes to mind when you read Kingdom Journeys as a title? Probably numerous things such as a fantasy, romance, adventure, historical, religious, spiritual or even a non-fictional story. All of these would be true depending on the content of the book being read.

I want to share with you a book that will touch you in a profound way unless you are so callous that you don't care about anything. Or you aren't interested in lives that are touched by a Love so Devine that it can only be from the Creator. Then this Blog isn't for you.

Before I go any farther in this, I want you to know that I've only met Seth Barnes in passing. We shared a smile and a small hand shake before we both worshipped our Lord in a group of community full of world racers and some family members. Worship should always be that great.

Sonja and I are at this place because of a Devine appointment. We don't know what is in store for us and that is okay. We put our walk and faith in the Hands of Jesus. We are being Blessed by dear friends, Bruce and Marcy that prior to two days ago we had only met through FB and their blessing of being the coaches for our daughters world race. We have true fellowship and friendship through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is as if we have known them forever and have such a mutual Love of the Lord that transcends humanity. I digress and you need to read on.

Kingdom Journeys: Rediscovering the Lost Spiritual Dicipline, written by Seth Barnes. This wonderful insightful book is about real events and real stories from those who have taken a Kingdom Journey. A Journey or quest to do more for others and discover the reality of what Jesus has in store for your life.

The desire to do more to see more and be more is what everyone struggles with early on in their life. Trying to have that great adventure or dream before the world comes crashing down on you anchoring many of us into a place we never thought we'd be. Sometimes into a box that we can't break free of unless Jesus breaks it down and releases us from that bondage of a life unfulfilled.

The privilege of meeting some of the people that support, mentor, pray and coach those out in the world doing the Lord's will is a blessing. This great commission doesn't just happen, it has numerous people working tirelessly for the Kingdom setting up logistics, training, coaching, spiritual guidance, loving prayers, and a burning passion to reach and serve the lost. It is heavenly, I would say amazing, but I've been over using that term since we arrived here.

Sonja and I are coaching some young racers that returned over three weeks ago from the race and have been thrust back into their world far different from when they left over 11 months ago. Their lives have been forever changed by the Lord. We need to give them the love to see what plans He has for them and nurture them forward with their lives. They have been given a glimpse of a depraved world and have seen Christ working His salvation for the lost through them. Now they are back in a world that they had walked with friends and family prior to the race. Their lives are no longer the same. The Lord has taken them to a heavenly place, showing them His Love and Grace in a fallen world.

They yearn for true meaningful discussions about their experiences and what changes that the Lord has made to their lives living for the Kingdom and not for the world and it's desires. Embrace them and give them that Love from the Father. We shouldn't let the world turn them back to what they were before.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Legacy of Memory

Memories are such a wonderful thing. Right?  Right!? Okay, memories can be such a wonderful thing.  Or memories are not such a wonderful thing. What comes to mind when you think of a memory?  Do you think of something wonderful or something so painful that you hurry to think of something else?  Come on! You can be honest with yourself as you read this.

Let's explore this a little bit more.  Memory as described by Webster's,"the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences."
So memory is what you make of it. Right?  Mental capacity or faculty is a necessity.  The ability to grasp or hold the memory is important. So is the retaining or reviving it.  The it could be any of the facts, events, impressions, smells, previous experiences, sounds, etc.   There is a lot to the memory thing isn't there? What helps you remember?  Is it a random thought, or specific concentrated effort to bring back something that was experienced or not? 

Now here comes the hard part to this little post.  What do you remember as one of the most significant things that has ever happened to you in a positive way?  If you are like me, there are quite a few of them, but for the sake of this discussion, which one is the most significant to you?  Knowing my twist to the rest of my predictable blog posts, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it was the first time you encountered God on a personal one-on-one.  Remember?  I can tell you He does. He put you in a place where you had only one of two options.  Listen to Him or reject Him.  I've heard people say that God called them by name and rocked them to their knees. I've also heard people say that He pursued them and the first couple of times they didn't respond and so Jesus went out of their lives until He came back.  There is no judgement here from me about that one.  That's their story and they can stick  with it.  I would think that Jesus was there the entire time.

So what was it to you.?  Where were you and what were you going through?  Did He pick you up and comfort you from a broken sinful condition?  Did you have someone with you or were you all alone?  What did it feel like having the burden of sin taken from you?  What a relief knowing that it wasn't up to me to do all, be all.  Was that you too?  Did you have a Bible with you or did you cry out for Him with all your soul and let the God moment bring you to His Grace?    Remember.  The memory after that moment of Grace should be one of great joy.  It should be.

Paul and Timothy had it so right in  Philippians 1:1-11,  Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Jesus Christ,  To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons:  I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; just as it right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers with me of  grace.  For God is my witness, how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ. 
And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense til the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. 

They were remembering.  They were joyful in those memories.  Isn't it the same for us?  Didn't you have fellow bondservants that mentored and prayed for you as a new believer?  My prayer to you is that you had someone or somebodies that helped you, but unfortunately there are some that we don't help guide along for whatever reason.  We need to make absolutely sure we build wonderful memories of those that come to the Lord in faith. They need our Love given from the Father and shared through the Holy Spirit.  We must do this. 

To throw the curve now.  One of my best memories is the day, I saw my wife for the first time and she caused me to fall totally out of my mind head over heels for her.  The next are those of watching each of our children being born, and baptized later in Christ.  So my prayer for you is to build those memories and talk about them as they are your legacy for living a life for the Savior.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I'm What?

It's time to really confess.  I'm a guy that is normal.  No, that's not the confession.  I'm just a man, that deals with all the things of this world.  Lord knows.  My heart burns for Christ.  Nope, that's not my confession either. I'm selfish and self-centered.  No, that's not it.  I talk way way too much.  Almost had it there, but no that's not it.  I have to deal with a mind that flutters at over a thousand thoughts a second on everything that is around me including the things you can't even imagine.  Close, but that's not it. 

I love life and all points in between.  I really do.  The contact of reaching out and building a relationship is not really me. It's not.  Those that are close to me and I mean close know that I can be perfectly happy spending quiet time in a book or just alone. I'm self reliant.  I love my family and friends. My best friend ever is the person I have probably hurt the most in my life, that is my beautiful wife. Wow, how can that be?   Why is it that we either unintentionally or intentionally  hurt those closest  to us.  I'm not talking physically, but emotionally.  It is so sad to me that I would have been that way.  Now I could start justifying all the past misdeeds, but that truly isn't what confession or revelation is.  I have been forgiven.  No, really forgiven by not only my wife, but my children and my family.  I've been broken.  I've been lifted up also.  The Lord of my life instead of condemning me gave me grace unending. His forgiveness washed me clean. I've been forgiven.
 It came with a heavy price.  One that I could never have paid.  Never.  Oh, I could talk about it of course, but remember I talk way too much.  So why would you listen to me about that?  That is the truth.  You have to experience it.   You have to truly experience it. The forgiveness part.  You have to be broken to understand it. Really you do.  Broken inside, knowing that no matter what you do won't be enough to make it right. It isn't about doing anything. It's about coming to grips with your brokenness and you have to experience it.  You have to be at such a place the only way out for you is in the Hands of the Lord lifting you up cause you can't do it alone or with a friend.  It has to be the Savior.  Jesus Christ. 

If you think that a life living a "good life," will get you somewhere, you're right it will get you somewhere, but it's not going to be where you think.  If you were like me you could think that being alone would be alright.  Just you and nobody else.  Well, let me tell you eternity alone in the dark would be way too much alone.  Not anybody and in the dark...Alone...Oh, my God, that would be so bad... That would be the worst thing in eternity. the dark...forever.  If you think like I do, what a frightening thing. It's my scariest thought.  No sensation, light, love, just your constant thoughts of everything that you ever did to put you in that place.  Forget Dante's inferno.  This would be so much worse.  Forever.

Now before I lose your thought here, wouldn't it be more pleasing to spend your time with the Savior.  Jesus and all the Heavenly Host?  I'm thinking, yes.  No, I'm thinking absolutely yes.  A promise that He has prepared a place for me.  That I will be with Him and those that are changed.  Not alone. I needed  to confess (reveal) my sin to Him, Jesus and ask for His love and Grace to take my sin away, and change my life, to make me new.  To be born again, baptized.  That my life would be full of His plan.  That through the Holy Spirit we would be one with the Lord.  My life was changed.

Oh, and it hasn't been easy.  No, it hasn't.  I struggled with many things as the Lord worked on my life.  It would take me a long time to tell you all He's done for me, but remember this isn't about me.  This is about you and those around you.  If you say, "Well, Chris, I'm saved and doing what the Lord wants me to do."  I'm going to tell you.  No you haven't.  Neither have I.  It's time to get off our butts and do what He (Jesus) has commanded us to do.  "Love one another."  Not ourselves and our lives, but everyone's.  Yes, even that sinner next door, or that dirty homeless man that you can't stand to be around, because it makes you uncomfortable.  I'm with you.   I need to do the same.  Now you know that part you just read about being broken.  Well, my friend it's now.  We (me) included have to be broken for our brothers and sisters that need our love.  So get off your ass (reference to an animal that walks slow and makes your butt hurt when you ride it for long times) and get on your feet.  Make a difference.   People are living alone in our community.  They didn't make that decision, it's been made for them.  We are the church.  We are His people, we are His sheep.  We need to help find more for His Kingdom before it's too late for us. 

Pray for God to move your stinking, whining heart to soften to those around us.  He want's us to make a difference.  So make it and quit doing what you're not doing.   

God Bless you my friends.  My confession is that I am just like you. I want to do this my way.  But God wants me to do  it His Way.  And I'm going to...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Matthews 25:40 (NIV) "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'   

My world was shaken and broken yesterday.  I was hustling to get out of the house and on my way so I could open up the shop early.  The shop was going to have me be the pretty face behind the desk for most of the morning until my spouse would show up.  The radio was playing and there wasn't much traffic across town so the ride was good. I was feeling good and just going along not running my mind too hard and fast with clutter.  The last four way stop sign before I turned right was empty of traffic which was unusual for the time of day.  I turned right and started heading toward the railroad tracks up the hill. 
My eyes were scanning the scenery and something caught my eye.  Fifty feet or so from the railroad tracks was a small wheelchair on the side of the road moving slowly toward the tracks.  As I drove closer   and took in the scene, God told me to stop!  What?! Stop? "Lord, Really?"  "Stop!"  Before I knew what I was doing, I was pulled over in front of the man trying to get up the hill.  I looked behind me, rolled down the window and started slowly backing up, until I could see the man through my passenger window.  I started to ask him where he was going, but God pulled me out of my car and send me over to him.  "What Lord?"  I walked over to this man and asked him, "Where are needing to go?"  He said something to me quietly as he was hunched over. So I got close to him,  and quietly asked him again, "Where are you needing to go?"  "To Hartshorne," he said in almost a whisper. 
 "I'm heading to the  shop, I'll find someone to take you there, so come on I'll take you to the shop,"  I said.  
So here I was pushing him over to my car and helping him into my passenger seat, and putting his wheelchair in my backseat.  I told him that I needed to open the shop and would he like a soda.  He quietly said, "Sure, thank-you."   

So here it is.  A big dude pulls over next to a small footless man in a wheelchair,  jumps out of his car parked in a busy street. After a couple of questions hustles this man into his car and drives him less than a hundred feet across the railroad tracks and parks the car in front of a gated building.  This guy then disappears inside comes out with his arms full, locks the building back up and says "Where do you need to go in Harsthorne?"  What would think if you were that man?  

When I went inside God told me, "Take Him to Hartshorne."  
 'What Lord, I've got to be here for the business." 
 "No, you take him to Hartshorne."  
"Okay, Lord I will."  So I grabbed the drinks, and put a note on the door, knowing that in a few minutes people were going to show up to get stuff and I'd be gone. 

I got back in the car and adjusted the Air Conditioning and started a conversation as if this was the most normal thing for me to do in my life.  It was absolutely not, but I surrendered to my Father. 
As we started talking, He gave me his name, and then told me. "Thank-you so much, God Bless you." 
I was embarrassed by  his thanks.  
"No problem as the Lord told me to stop and help you,"  I said.  
"This is what God told me to do,"  

Now you need to understand that my car had less than a quarter of a tank of gas, I was running the Air Conditioner and wasn't sure I had enough to get there and back.  And he was a smoker.  Oh, what is happening here?  I thought. God you are in control.  My thoughts were rambling.

"So how were you going to get to Hartshorne?"  I asked.  
"I was going to wheel myself there if I had to."  he quietly spoke. 
"Well, God told me I was supposed to take you, So where are we going?"  
"I need to see family and my girl friend." He replied. 

Now I'm thinking what in the world are you doing and The Lord gave me peace.  We talked about his loss of feet and other questions that I used to find out more about this man I was taking to Hartshorne.
He was so thank-full and talked about his needing to get his life right with the Lord.  He had been attending church a few months ago, but his rides dried up.  I could only imagine why, but God was using me in a most unusual and powerful way totally without my regard.  I surrendered to this journey and was letting Jesus use me for His purpose.  
We finally got to Hartshorne and turned down some back streets arriving at his girl friends home.  He asked me to knock on her door and have her come to the car.  I got out and walked to the door and knocked. The door opened and a woman stood there with a cigarette in her hand and asked me what I wanted. I told her and she had to get her shoes on and came outside to my car.  They both talked for a few moments about staying in touch and he expressed his love for her and how he was planning to get right with God.  I'm silently watching this unfold and being moved by the situation.  They say good-bye to each other and I got back in the car. 

"Where to now? Back to McAlester?"  I asked. He wanted to go check on his step son that he hadn't seen in over a year.  He continued to thank me and say what a blessing I was.  "I'm just doing what the Lord told me to do."  I replied.  "It's truly not me, it's Jesus."  

We drive around the streets until we come to a home that needed lots of Tender Loving Care. There was no-one there and I was relieved.  He asked me to go to one more place and of course we drove there. 

I had to get out and knock on two more doors until finally his step-son came out and his grand-daughter.  They were in tears. All four of us.  I stepped back and tried to be just a bystander, but they pulled me into their lives.  They thanked me and were so appreciative.  "I'm doing what the Lord asked me to do."  That continued to be my mantra.  "Praise the Lord!"   I was moved.  Finally, it was time to head home, I quickly text-ed my wife to let her know where I was.   

As we drove back, he was moved to tears as he had been away from his sons for over a year because of an untruth spoken to his step-son and family.  What God has put together let no man take apart. I asked him if He needed anything else from me. He needed a ride to the grocery store later that evening.  After I dropped him off, I went back to work and was so thank-ful that the Lord had spoken to me and caused me to Stop!  I turned on my iphone's music and God had the words from "if we are the body,"  by Casting Crowns playing.  Thank-you Lord.  Oh, yes and my car made it back on that small amount of gas left in the tank.

So broken as I was, I rejoiced in the Lord using me in a mighty way. 

After the shop closed, I went to pick him up and we went to get him some food.  I was the driver and he was the gatherer.  He was able to come within $0.30 of his limit on his card.  Once we got him back to his place,  we prayed again, and I asked him what else he needed.  He wanted some clean clothes so he could go to the Doctor.  "I'll get on that."  I left him and went home humbled by my Savior. 

Today, I called a friend who runs a great outreach for the Lord, asking if I could pick up some clothes for my friend.  He of course said. "Yes, come on over and get what you need."   I took them over to him this afternoon and a friend of his was there.  I introduced myself and told her why I stopped.  "God told me to."  

Her words were, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

I thanked the Lord again for His God moment with me and went home.