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Saturday, December 22, 2012
The Christmas Story of Eternal Youth
What gift can you give to parents that have everything they want? Time with family is the correct answer to the question. They would love to spend the Christmas Holidays with their children and grandchildren. I would love to spend the Christmas Holidays with all our children, spouses and grandchildren. Also the rest of my family, my sister and her family, my brother and his family. We always have such a joyous time. My wife and I haven't had the chance yet to spend a joyous Christmas with our son and daughter-in-law and his beautiful family. My family has been blessed in having spent so many Christmas's around the world growing up. One joyous Christmas we were all in Texas a few years ago...
The entire family was enjoying each others company and the festive good times were full of laughter and story telling. My mother and father were sitting on the couch and other family members were all sitting or lounging around the spacious living room sipping on beverages and eating the wonderful snack food.
The conversation came around to automobiles. This subject is one that our dad is an expert and my brother is a close second. We all were talking about the best vehicles we've ever owned. Then it happened. Dad started talking about the Mercedes he didn't buy back in the sixty's, and the Rambler Station wagon that he bought new. This automobile reminded me of the Groswald's National Vacation ride. It became our tour boat a la resistance. We took that car across the country at least two times on round trips. Oh, the pictures we would pose for and guess what was in the background almost every time? Yes the nice white station wagon. You all know the shots, here you see the lovely North Dakota countryside, behind the family and the car. The highways back then weren't Interstates, they were two lane roads with large trucks on them, but not semi's. If you were going faster than the cars you came up on you had to pass on the left. No shoulders on the roads either. Did I mention the air-conditioning, windows down, and no listening to the radio in the back as the wind blowing through your hair almost whipped your ears off. Sticking your hands out or putting your head to close put you in danger of being a windshield for the bugs that missed it the first time. No seat belts, really, you could stand on the floor in the back seat and look over the dash at impending doom at seventy miles an hour, especially when passing on two lanes. It was a wonderful time to be a kid.
Our family made weekend picnic trips. They were some of the best times in my young life. We loved seeing the countryside and places of interest, and drinking a cold bottle of soda while the gas was filled up by an attendant. Windshield wiped clean, the air and oil checked these were normal things. My dad could ask directions, let me tell you. It only took a few times from mom to remind him that we were lost.
When my father came back from a remote assignment in Alaska, we were told we were moving to Alaska. Alaska, the land of the midnight sun. The decision was to drive the ALCAN Highway, but then it was getting close to winter time and it would be treacherous. The family would board the ferry in Seattle and take it to Prince Rupert, British Colombia, then drive the rest of the way to Anchorage. This was the winter of 1965. The snow was already falling heavily way up north, after we departed Seattle. The ferry had all the vehicles below and it was such a fun cruise for us as kids. I don't really think that my dad was sick that much , but most of my memories of that trip I don't remember seeing his smiling face a lot, except for a dinner or two. No sweat dad. Mom was a trooper, though.
We finally got out at Prince Rupert and as my memory serves me, we fueled up and told the authorities that we were going to drive on to Haines Junction. It was already dark for most of the day with only a few hours of daylight. In those days you had to let them know when you left as it was a long drive over snow covered roads that had shoulder poles over six feet tall as markers so you could stay on the road. My parents were in the front bench seat, my sister on the bench seat in the back, my brother in a niche in the very back with the luggage. I was on the floor board over the hump. We had beds made up so we could sleep. I remember waking up at some time, listening to my parents talk to each other and my brother and sister sleeping away. My right hand was under the front seat near the railing when my fingers touched a cold metal screw driver. I was just trying to relax and enter that calm sleep state again when I took the screw driver and lightly starting tapping the seat rail. Now imagine this, here you are driving your family a long distance in a vehicle that has served you well, the miles on it are over a hundred thousand, the engine is aluminum. Yes, back then there was concern over aluminum blocks. All of a sudden you hear a tap, tap, tap... It is rhythmic, you've trusted this car. I hear my dad ask my mom to see if any of us kids are awake. I keep up my sleep action as survival mode has kicked into my psyche. Mom moves over me and looks, she can't see my hand under the seat and she sits back down. I continue to tap, tap, tap. As Dad speeds up I tap faster, as he slows down I tap slower.
So here I was sharing this story with the family, everyone laughing and rolling, except one person... Guess who that was, my dad looked like he was thirty years younger and started to get up. He had the "look," on him and I kinda laughed. He finally realized that his whooping my butt wouldn't do any good now and he smiled.
Had my dad caught me doing that years ago, my parents would have arrived in Haines Junction with my mom, brother and sister. They would have said they didn't know what happened to ten year old Chris and that it was awfully cold and snowy on the road. Sometime in the spring they might have found my body with a look of fear on my face and a screw driver in my hands. Just kidding, but that's what vision I had as mom leaned over the seat to check on us. I had to continue tapping until I fell asleep and the screw driver had to be removed as evidence later.
The Joy of spending Christmas with Family enables us to share wonderful heartfelt stories with our families and to see the Joy of the Holidays on our family members faces. I will cherish the look on my folks face that year in Texas. The look was one of they really could have gotten away with it.
Merry Christmas Mom & Dad
Love you...
photo courtesy of flikr
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Gimme a Break...
Why do we always feel the need to discuss our points of view about one political party over another especially after a truly divided election? The issue isn't about changing the other person or their point of view. It should be about what we have in common. I've been guilty of wanting to rub those with opposing view points with little digs when the opportunity presents itself. It is in my sinful nature. It is what makes me a man, but disgraces the man that I am to be.
We as Christians have become polarized. We want to change the others that support the other party. All the usual arguments take place. The Democrats issue claims that Republicans are against the right for women to choose what to do with their own bodies, and that Republicans are against homosexuals or gay rights, and that Immigrants shouldn't be given amnesty for being in the country illegally, and that they don't care about unions and representative rights. Democrats claim that Republicans are not representing the people and their rights. They state Republicans don't care about the poor or those in need and they have lost touch with the common man. Republicans are racist, they want to keep the poor, poor. Republicans are evil, and that they don't care about anyone but big business is the mantra. What a lot of bad things to say about half of the electorate.
Now Republicans say that Democrats are for a woman's right to choose any form of birth control including the destruction of a child within the womb. That Democrats are for increasing the need for the government programs to assist those that don't work, or those that have a want. That taxes must be increased to pay for those programs. That it is the responsibility of those with businesses to pay for those that don't. Republicans state that Democrats have become socialists. Democrats believe in freedom for anyone to be able to marry anyone they desire in spite of law this is according to Republicans. The back and forth argument continues...
Now throw in the Christian perspective. Oh, how the mud slinging continues... Recent Democratic Christian comment has included the above mentioned about their Republican counterparts. How can Republican Christians vote for a non-christian? They would never do that. Republicans respond with How can Democratic Christians vote for a non-christian? A President who is Muslim, oh, no he's a Christian, really?
Why do we get so righteous over politics? Before we start arguing over who is right and wrong or which party is the best for us as Christians, let's be bold. The commonality of our Lord Jesus is the connection here. Wasn't there a Roman Centurion who had faith in the Lord? Of course there was, Matt 8:5-13.
Do you think for a moment that He was the same politically as the Sanhedrin or the disciples? No, he wasn't.
How can we as Christians co-exist with our politics? We can't. We are not of this world and we need to suck it up and get over it. Now which party should you belong to? I'm not going to tell you. That decision is for you and the Lord.
What do you believe about a person's individual right to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything or break the Law? Is that Okay? Is that conforming to the world view?
Is it okay for a person to kill another person? Is it okay? What about a murderer? What about an accident? What about an unborn child?
Is it okay for two consenting adults to marry? Is it okay for an adult and a teenager to marry? What if one of the teenagers is fifteen? What if they are really mature? Should there be a national issue with that?
Is it the governments responsibility to take care of it's citizens? Should the government be the biggest employer in the United States? Do you look at Matthew 5:3 and think of the poor? Shouldn't that be the poor in spirit? That doesn't state the physical condition, but spiritual.
As His disciples aren't we supposed to Love one another? So what does that mean to you? Does it mean that you only Love those that agree with your point of view? What about the orphans, widows, or the poor?
Do you believe in contracts? Does your word mean as much as your signature? As Christians shouldn't we believe in our Contract the Bible to live accordingly?
We need to bring change to this world and we aren't going to do that by always wanting to impress others with our point of view without discussing what we believe in.
I Believe that Christ died for me. The Lord shed His blood and sacrificed His Life for me. He purchased me a sinner because He loves me. That He doesn't care about my political point of view, He cares about my Spiritual Point of Grace. He is coming back! I thank the Holy Spirit for keeping me focused on this short foo-foo life. I Thank my God for the world I live on, and the country I breath in.
Peace and Love to you my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
We are Dying Socially
We are dying socially. We don't engage
with people on a personal level enough. We lock in on our own
personal world through technology. We live with distraction. We
don't listen to the world crying out. We have become calloused to
our neighbor. We don't know our neighbor or his family. We are
becoming a nation of lost personalities. We idolize cable and
satellite. We idolize our smart phones. We latch on to our computers
and book time with short quips as dialogue. We don't spend enough
time unplugged to see that our country is dying. We are in trouble.
We have created this nightmare ourselves. We are ruled by those we
have put in power. We have given up our rights as citizens. We
don't know what a citizen is anymore. We love things more than each
other. We strive for victory when we don't know what it is we are
winning. We are lost. The world we once knew is gone. We cry for
mercy when we don't have any concept of what it means. We lose our
language each day we text or tweet one another. The damage is done.
We are looking for salvation in the
wrong place. We need to go to a quiet place and reclaim our
heritage. We need participate with each other in projects that
change lives. We need to journey without our technology and only use
our hands and feet. We need to find value with one another through
listening and caring for each other. We need to lose ourselves
outwardly for a better purpose of giving love to our fellow man. We
need to care for one another. We need to be with one another. We
need to find personal meaning with our creator. We need a personal
relationship in order to be that person. We need to value the meaning
of the Word and it's power. We need to pass on our mistakes and take
hold of our future. We can overcome. We can be redeemed. We includes me.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Meet you in the War Room
"Fight for It!" Don't Surrender! It is worth everything you have within you to keep. You must do everything that you can do to keep it. It is a coward that surrenders and let's it all go away. The Love you had is worth it, as is the memory of that feeling of being complete. The decision of giving up on the relationship is being a coward. It is truly a miracle that Jesus didn't give up on us. Oh, He could have and think of all the testing He got in fulfilling the purpose and plan of His Father.
Every relationship has trouble and difficulties. I know, I was most of the difficulties in my relationship with my beautiful wife. I was a control freak and didn't even realize it. I thank God that He isn't one. Why do you think we have free will? How can you love someone or something without free will? It is the ultimate freedom to Love. Controlling someone or something is just so wrong in any relationship. So is giving up! I know that I'm going to touch some nerves here and that's okay. The Lord showed me that He was in control and that for me to understand His Love I had to bow down to His Will. His words to me as I let my controlling issues pass. "I will bless you and I will still Love you."
For Jesus loved me First, and I really believe that will all my soul. My key to freedom was forgiveness. I was able to truly forgive myself and others through the Lord. After all, He was beaten and tortured mercilessly for me and you. He Fought for it. He didn't surrender! He gave it all in His nakedness on the cross. Our lamb of God, our redeemer. It didn't end there, He was buried in a Tomb and rose again in Victory, but wait, He ascended into the Glory of Heaven promising His Return. He Promised! He didn't surrender with His relationship with me or anyone else. He told me that He loved me and that He wouldn't abandon me. I believe Him. Shouldn't you?
So why do we treat the ones we love with such distaste, is it because we can't change them to what we want? Or is it because we see in them the things that remind us of our failings. Are we jealous of each other because he/she does something so much better than we do? Why do we do that? It is due to our own insecurities and issues. I know because that has been me. When people find out how long I've been married , often the response is, "Really, how could you stay with someone that long, or how did you find someone to put up with you that long?" I laugh. It has nothing to do with me or my wife. It has to do with the Lord. Oh, I'll give my wife most of the credit because it's true. She fought for me, She didn't surrender. She always prayed that I would be the Man that God desired for me to be. She saw the potential for a Warrior King, a Legend in His own Mind, she saw it in me, even when I couldn't.
Relationships need nurturing and care. The Lord uses His Word and our Prayers to reach His inner most chamber. The War Room, where He reassures His creation. Yes, we are His creation. He wants us to fight for our marriages and our families. It is the legacy of His Love for Us. I'm going to continue to Fight for marriages and relationships and be the Leader that He has called me to be. I won't surrender for the Savior is with me. He is waiting for you to pray and fight for Him and this world. Don't be remembered as a coward. Stand up and fight for your current situation. If you believe in the Lord you will do it with all your heart, mind, strength, and soul.
See you in the War Room.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
How crazy is this?
How crazy is this? We spend our lives walking around in a daze. Not paying attention to the real world around us. I'm guilty. When you leave the sanctity of your castle, you glance at the neighborhood quickly as you hurry to your car. All is good. The checklist in your head is checking off all the items that you know need to be taken care of as you progress.
Door locked, check. Glance at it to make sure.
Neighborhood Free of People, check. Look around once more to see if anything is out of place. Nope, good.
Glance at car before entry, check. Dang it's dirty, note to self, wash this thing please, check.
Unlock door, check.
Climb inside, insert key, check. Oh, put on the seat belt, it's only a short trip, put it on, check.
Check the station, volume and rotate to desired mood setting station, check.
Turn on key, check. Glance around inside then outside, listen to car sounds, check.
Put car in reverse, check. Slowly back up toward street, check.
In the street, watching for other vehicles, children, or distractions, check.
Mind blank, body on full auto, check. Driving, check.
We don't engage. Check, no really check.
Now let's engage not enrage one another. Yup, let's engage NOT enrage one another! We live in the best country in the world. The best! Everybody wants to come to America and have the Freedom we have. Our founding Father's built this Nation. Our History shows the struggle to maintain it. We have had disagreements and arguments between our ideals before. It has even caused the Civil War. Our families have banded together to make this a land of opportunity. When things haven't gone the way we expect them to go we have all had the opportunity to vote and make a change. We have engaged the process. We are facing a difficult time. The economy is not good. Look around you. How many businesses are no longer there that were there four years ago? I'm not placing blame here, I'm wanting you to engage. Each time you go to the gas station to fill your car up, is it more or less than four years ago? Engage with me. I'm still not placing blame. What has the government done for you in the past four years? Should it have done all that for you? In the past four years have you left a job for any reason and are no longer receiving any help? Are you working two jobs now that don't compare to the job you had four years ago? Engage with me. I'm still just asking questions. Do you really know the inner circle of the White House? Really? Can you name the Advisers to the President? Do you know the members of the Senate? The members of the Legislature? Are you scared of what will happen to our country after the election? Why are you so scared? There are three branches of government and there are checks and balances in the system. In the past four years who had control of the Senate? Who had control of the Legislature? Why couldn't they and the President build a budget? Please still engage with me. Do you think that the next four years are going to be better if the present folks, the Senate, House of Representatives, and the White House stay the same? The nation voted four years ago for change, it changed. Was the result today the answer you were expecting? If it was, so be it. If it wasn't then who should be changed? Do you know which President has used the most Executive Orders in the History of the Nation to gain unlimited power without using the other branches of the Government? Do you think that is a good thing? Why is the use of fear driving this election? Do you actually think that women are going to become second class citizens and have no rights after this election? Why? Don't women in the countries we are currently fighting in have great freedoms? Don't get enraged, just engage. Don't we have more citizen rights than other nations?
Please engage this voting season. Please don't enrage. We have done that in our History before and it hasn't been good for anyone. We may disagree, but we should have more to agree on together than anything. When we think that one party is fighting to take away rights, look at the big picture. Where else in the world could people have the opportunity to do pretty much everything and complain about it? No where else. If you think that it is better somewhere else, then please move there, cause I've been there and someone there would love to take your place. Don't enrage just engage.
So Engage with one another, Don't enrage one another. Check.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Time to Worship
God, what kind of service are we having here? I'm just not feeling it Lord. Can't the lights be better? Can't the music be more moving and inspirational? Why don't more people sing joyfully? Why is the Worship team look like they are just doing a chore? What is going on here Lord! I'm just not feeling it, and look there are so many people missing this morning. They're probably spending time traveling or sleeping in. Man, I'd sure like to do that on a Sunday. Why doesn't the Pastor preach more from his heart. It's the same ole thing, Lord I'm not getting any meat here. What am I supposed to do? Please tell me Lord cause in fifty minutes everyone will be rushing to head out the door to do all the activities that they have planned. You know Lord we are even studying in our small group about not rushing around and getting caught up in the world. I wonder how my fantasy football team will do today? I should have paid more attention to the sports shows this week as my Wide Receivers aren't really getting me any points. Oh, yes dear, I'm paying attention. What's this? You want to recognize us and give us credit for our Service to our Country. Oh my God, there are so few of us left and we look so much older. Why do I feel this way?
The Lord begins to share His Grace with me. It isn't about what I desire in the message or service or the singing. It isn't the fault of anyone else that I feel the way I feel because I have missed it this morning. I have done the Lord a big disservice. I am not Worshiping! What?
"STOP!" What? "STOP!" What! "STOP!" Whoa, Is that You Lord? Oh, My God, it is You! Your Holy Presence has come upon me. Worship! Worship! Worship! For He is Holy, Holy, Holy! Forgive me Lord! I am so ashamed, Father that I would have my mind running wild and being so disconnected to you. I adore You my Father! YOU redeemed me, forgave me, and died for me and here I am to worship You and I am withholding Your Grace from me this Morning. Forgive Me. I rend my garment and throw the dirt and ashes on me Lord for such Shameful Behavior. I am so unworthy for all your Grace and Love.
Lord make in me a New Heart! Change me Father as only You can.
"WORSHIP ME!" I am Lord, I raise my Soul to You and Thank-you for letting me See You this Morning! Oh Father! I See the Joy that the Worship Team has for You! They are singing Holy Words to You! I praise You Father! Yes, I hear the Word from the Pastor that You want me to Hear! Oh, Father I cry out to You! The tears I shed are the offering to You this morning in WORSHIP! You are showing me that I need to come prepared to Worship every moment that I come to you. Thank you Father for showing the Words that I need to read and place on my heart this morning.
1 Peter 4:12-19
Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His Glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other people's matters. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him be not ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.
For the time has come for judgement to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? Now
"If the righteous one is scarcely saved,
Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?"
Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.
Let me Worship You my King! Thank-you Lord, for showing me through Your Holy Spirit what I need to be the example of Grace you have given the Church. In 1 Peter 5, You speak to me, that I need to Lead by Example. That we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt us in due time, casting all our care upon Him, for He cares for us. Yes, Father we all will read these powerful words and understand that we are to Exalt and Worship You! And as we greet one another with a kiss of love, Peace to you all who are in Christ Jesus. Amen.
My desire is that you take this message to heart. That it isn't the fault of anyone else but you, if you aren't prepared to Worship the Lord each and every moment you go to Him. Be Thank-full for the Servants of the King that prepare and humble themselves when they Worship the Lord and share with others. So give them Thanks for they are here to Serve the Lord with Joyful Hearts. So the next time you come to Church be Prepared to Worship, because He is God and He will know.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
My Rock and Fortress
For you are my rock and my fortress;
Therefore, for Your name's sake,
Lead me and guide me.
Pull me out of the net which they
have secretly laid up for me,
For You are my strength.
Into Your hand I commit my spirit;
You have redeemed me, O Lord
God of truth.
Ps. 31:3-5
For you are my rock and fortress, this is a powerful image when you have a visual. Imagine that the extremes of weather, time and life won't do much to this rock. Jesus is our rock and fortress. That alone would be enough, but like the commercials say "...but, wait there's more..." Therefore, for Your name's sake, Lead me and guide me. This couldn't be any stronger, it's not my name sake or Joe Bob's, Billie Jeans, or anyone else, it is Your Name's sake. The Creator of the Universe. The CREATOR, not some nebulous thing that you can't comprehend, well maybe it's tough to think of Him that way. The Father of us all. Pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid up for me, We aren't talking the internet although now a days it could be. This is all the stuff that circumstances and events that our enemies and the evil one lay up on us.
The deception and lies in life that we are constantly bombarded with. We know exactly which ones that affect us spiritually, physically, and mentally when we don't focus on the life the Father has blessed us with. Man, I've been there in the net trying to struggle free and it just wasn't working. Thankfully someone would remind me that it's not me alone, that I needed to quit taking my struggles back from the Lord. This is something that I do often, not meaning to, but it just happens. I like being in control of my Life, but I like having Him being in Control of me. It makes is so much easier. Humility is a great motivator for me as I begin to see some of the Plans of the Lord as they relate to me. He is wonderful in moving the life around me and letting me catch a glimpse of His "God Moment." The kind of moment when you know you are in the presence of the Holy Spirit and He is making something wonderful happen. That is a beautiful thing.
For You are my strength. Oh, yes, Father you are my strength. You give us the Power to move forward when we are down. You give the strength to Love someone that we normally would rather not be with. You give us the ability to gather together to serve You in extraordinary and supernatural ways. We don't have it in us to be that strong for one another. It is only through You, Jesus that we have that strength.
Into Your hand I commit my spirit; Into Your hand Father I commit my spirit, this isn't a physical thing it's a spiritual and supernatural essence of our being. We can think of the times as children or as a parent or grandparent of reaching out to the one we trust and love and wanting that touch. It is grace to see a small child reach out their little hand and want to have someone take it and give them comfort. We give the Father our Lord Jesus our hand to take our spirit and give us comfort and shelter. When I was deathly ill this past year that was my prayer, Lord into you I commit my spirit, what comfort that was knowing that He had me in His hand. He gave me comfort and peace and told me it wasn't time for me to go yet, that He had plans for me to complete before I could be with Him. Thank-you Lord.
You have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth. I am redeemed. I am delivered from sin and its consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for me the sinner. (Webster's loose definition). The sacrifice was Jesus Christ who unselfishly gave Himself up for not only my sin, but the sin of the world. That includes you and all of us. Why is it so hard for people to understand? For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17.
What more can we ask for? We can't do this alone, for we have a Savior that is right there, meeting us with open arms and is as Loving as we will ever know. Where will you place your Love, for me it is founded on my Rock and Fortress, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Therefore, for Your name's sake,
Lead me and guide me.
Pull me out of the net which they
have secretly laid up for me,
For You are my strength.
Into Your hand I commit my spirit;
You have redeemed me, O Lord
God of truth.
Ps. 31:3-5
For you are my rock and fortress, this is a powerful image when you have a visual. Imagine that the extremes of weather, time and life won't do much to this rock. Jesus is our rock and fortress. That alone would be enough, but like the commercials say "...but, wait there's more..." Therefore, for Your name's sake, Lead me and guide me. This couldn't be any stronger, it's not my name sake or Joe Bob's, Billie Jeans, or anyone else, it is Your Name's sake. The Creator of the Universe. The CREATOR, not some nebulous thing that you can't comprehend, well maybe it's tough to think of Him that way. The Father of us all. Pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid up for me, We aren't talking the internet although now a days it could be. This is all the stuff that circumstances and events that our enemies and the evil one lay up on us.
The deception and lies in life that we are constantly bombarded with. We know exactly which ones that affect us spiritually, physically, and mentally when we don't focus on the life the Father has blessed us with. Man, I've been there in the net trying to struggle free and it just wasn't working. Thankfully someone would remind me that it's not me alone, that I needed to quit taking my struggles back from the Lord. This is something that I do often, not meaning to, but it just happens. I like being in control of my Life, but I like having Him being in Control of me. It makes is so much easier. Humility is a great motivator for me as I begin to see some of the Plans of the Lord as they relate to me. He is wonderful in moving the life around me and letting me catch a glimpse of His "God Moment." The kind of moment when you know you are in the presence of the Holy Spirit and He is making something wonderful happen. That is a beautiful thing.
For You are my strength. Oh, yes, Father you are my strength. You give us the Power to move forward when we are down. You give the strength to Love someone that we normally would rather not be with. You give us the ability to gather together to serve You in extraordinary and supernatural ways. We don't have it in us to be that strong for one another. It is only through You, Jesus that we have that strength.
Into Your hand I commit my spirit; Into Your hand Father I commit my spirit, this isn't a physical thing it's a spiritual and supernatural essence of our being. We can think of the times as children or as a parent or grandparent of reaching out to the one we trust and love and wanting that touch. It is grace to see a small child reach out their little hand and want to have someone take it and give them comfort. We give the Father our Lord Jesus our hand to take our spirit and give us comfort and shelter. When I was deathly ill this past year that was my prayer, Lord into you I commit my spirit, what comfort that was knowing that He had me in His hand. He gave me comfort and peace and told me it wasn't time for me to go yet, that He had plans for me to complete before I could be with Him. Thank-you Lord.
You have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth. I am redeemed. I am delivered from sin and its consequences by means of a sacrifice offered for me the sinner. (Webster's loose definition). The sacrifice was Jesus Christ who unselfishly gave Himself up for not only my sin, but the sin of the world. That includes you and all of us. Why is it so hard for people to understand? For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17.
What more can we ask for? We can't do this alone, for we have a Savior that is right there, meeting us with open arms and is as Loving as we will ever know. Where will you place your Love, for me it is founded on my Rock and Fortress, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
I'm currently sitting in a living room watching a Florida Football game with our hosts Bruce and Marcy. They are heavenly sent. We are enjoying their company and hospitality thanking the Lord for their faith and Love for Jesus. We have worshipped, prayed, laughed and talked together like friends that have known each other for ever.
We have such a kinship in the Father. Would you believe that we had never met in person prior to our arrival two days ago? It's true. We had only talked three or four times on the phone prior to coming to visit. The power of the Holy Spirit brought us here. We stepped out in faith to come to a place that the Lord wanted us to see and experience. There is so much more to tell and the Lord will give me wisdom to share this heavenly experience with you.
God Bless
We have such a kinship in the Father. Would you believe that we had never met in person prior to our arrival two days ago? It's true. We had only talked three or four times on the phone prior to coming to visit. The power of the Holy Spirit brought us here. We stepped out in faith to come to a place that the Lord wanted us to see and experience. There is so much more to tell and the Lord will give me wisdom to share this heavenly experience with you.
God Bless
Friday, September 21, 2012
Kingdom Journeys
What comes to mind when you read Kingdom Journeys as a title? Probably numerous things such as a fantasy, romance, adventure, historical, religious, spiritual or even a non-fictional story. All of these would be true depending on the content of the book being read.
I want to share with you a book that will touch you in a profound way unless you are so callous that you don't care about anything. Or you aren't interested in lives that are touched by a Love so Devine that it can only be from the Creator. Then this Blog isn't for you.
Before I go any farther in this, I want you to know that I've only met Seth Barnes in passing. We shared a smile and a small hand shake before we both worshipped our Lord in a group of community full of world racers and some family members. Worship should always be that great.
Sonja and I are at this place because of a Devine appointment. We don't know what is in store for us and that is okay. We put our walk and faith in the Hands of Jesus. We are being Blessed by dear friends, Bruce and Marcy that prior to two days ago we had only met through FB and their blessing of being the coaches for our daughters world race. We have true fellowship and friendship through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is as if we have known them forever and have such a mutual Love of the Lord that transcends humanity. I digress and you need to read on.
Kingdom Journeys: Rediscovering the Lost Spiritual Dicipline, written by Seth Barnes. This wonderful insightful book is about real events and real stories from those who have taken a Kingdom Journey. A Journey or quest to do more for others and discover the reality of what Jesus has in store for your life.
The desire to do more to see more and be more is what everyone struggles with early on in their life. Trying to have that great adventure or dream before the world comes crashing down on you anchoring many of us into a place we never thought we'd be. Sometimes into a box that we can't break free of unless Jesus breaks it down and releases us from that bondage of a life unfulfilled.
The privilege of meeting some of the people that support, mentor, pray and coach those out in the world doing the Lord's will is a blessing. This great commission doesn't just happen, it has numerous people working tirelessly for the Kingdom setting up logistics, training, coaching, spiritual guidance, loving prayers, and a burning passion to reach and serve the lost. It is heavenly, I would say amazing, but I've been over using that term since we arrived here.
Sonja and I are coaching some young racers that returned over three weeks ago from the race and have been thrust back into their world far different from when they left over 11 months ago. Their lives have been forever changed by the Lord. We need to give them the love to see what plans He has for them and nurture them forward with their lives. They have been given a glimpse of a depraved world and have seen Christ working His salvation for the lost through them. Now they are back in a world that they had walked with friends and family prior to the race. Their lives are no longer the same. The Lord has taken them to a heavenly place, showing them His Love and Grace in a fallen world.
They yearn for true meaningful discussions about their experiences and what changes that the Lord has made to their lives living for the Kingdom and not for the world and it's desires. Embrace them and give them that Love from the Father. We shouldn't let the world turn them back to what they were before.
I want to share with you a book that will touch you in a profound way unless you are so callous that you don't care about anything. Or you aren't interested in lives that are touched by a Love so Devine that it can only be from the Creator. Then this Blog isn't for you.
Before I go any farther in this, I want you to know that I've only met Seth Barnes in passing. We shared a smile and a small hand shake before we both worshipped our Lord in a group of community full of world racers and some family members. Worship should always be that great.
Sonja and I are at this place because of a Devine appointment. We don't know what is in store for us and that is okay. We put our walk and faith in the Hands of Jesus. We are being Blessed by dear friends, Bruce and Marcy that prior to two days ago we had only met through FB and their blessing of being the coaches for our daughters world race. We have true fellowship and friendship through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It is as if we have known them forever and have such a mutual Love of the Lord that transcends humanity. I digress and you need to read on.
Kingdom Journeys: Rediscovering the Lost Spiritual Dicipline, written by Seth Barnes. This wonderful insightful book is about real events and real stories from those who have taken a Kingdom Journey. A Journey or quest to do more for others and discover the reality of what Jesus has in store for your life.
The desire to do more to see more and be more is what everyone struggles with early on in their life. Trying to have that great adventure or dream before the world comes crashing down on you anchoring many of us into a place we never thought we'd be. Sometimes into a box that we can't break free of unless Jesus breaks it down and releases us from that bondage of a life unfulfilled.
The privilege of meeting some of the people that support, mentor, pray and coach those out in the world doing the Lord's will is a blessing. This great commission doesn't just happen, it has numerous people working tirelessly for the Kingdom setting up logistics, training, coaching, spiritual guidance, loving prayers, and a burning passion to reach and serve the lost. It is heavenly, I would say amazing, but I've been over using that term since we arrived here.
Sonja and I are coaching some young racers that returned over three weeks ago from the race and have been thrust back into their world far different from when they left over 11 months ago. Their lives have been forever changed by the Lord. We need to give them the love to see what plans He has for them and nurture them forward with their lives. They have been given a glimpse of a depraved world and have seen Christ working His salvation for the lost through them. Now they are back in a world that they had walked with friends and family prior to the race. Their lives are no longer the same. The Lord has taken them to a heavenly place, showing them His Love and Grace in a fallen world.
They yearn for true meaningful discussions about their experiences and what changes that the Lord has made to their lives living for the Kingdom and not for the world and it's desires. Embrace them and give them that Love from the Father. We shouldn't let the world turn them back to what they were before.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Legacy of Memory
Memories are such a wonderful thing. Right? Right!? Okay, memories can be such a wonderful thing. Or memories are not such a wonderful thing. What comes to mind when you think of a memory? Do you think of something wonderful or something so painful that you hurry to think of something else? Come on! You can be honest with yourself as you read this.
Let's explore this a little bit more. Memory as described by Webster's,"the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences."
So memory is what you make of it. Right? Mental capacity or faculty is a necessity. The ability to grasp or hold the memory is important. So is the retaining or reviving it. The it could be any of the facts, events, impressions, smells, previous experiences, sounds, etc. There is a lot to the memory thing isn't there? What helps you remember? Is it a random thought, or specific concentrated effort to bring back something that was experienced or not?
Now here comes the hard part to this little post. What do you remember as one of the most significant things that has ever happened to you in a positive way? If you are like me, there are quite a few of them, but for the sake of this discussion, which one is the most significant to you? Knowing my twist to the rest of my predictable blog posts, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it was the first time you encountered God on a personal one-on-one. Remember? I can tell you He does. He put you in a place where you had only one of two options. Listen to Him or reject Him. I've heard people say that God called them by name and rocked them to their knees. I've also heard people say that He pursued them and the first couple of times they didn't respond and so Jesus went out of their lives until He came back. There is no judgement here from me about that one. That's their story and they can stick with it. I would think that Jesus was there the entire time.
So what was it to you.? Where were you and what were you going through? Did He pick you up and comfort you from a broken sinful condition? Did you have someone with you or were you all alone? What did it feel like having the burden of sin taken from you? What a relief knowing that it wasn't up to me to do all, be all. Was that you too? Did you have a Bible with you or did you cry out for Him with all your soul and let the God moment bring you to His Grace? Remember. The memory after that moment of Grace should be one of great joy. It should be.
Paul and Timothy had it so right in Philippians 1:1-11, Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Jesus Christ, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; just as it right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers with me of grace. For God is my witness, how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ.
And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense til the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
They were remembering. They were joyful in those memories. Isn't it the same for us? Didn't you have fellow bondservants that mentored and prayed for you as a new believer? My prayer to you is that you had someone or somebodies that helped you, but unfortunately there are some that we don't help guide along for whatever reason. We need to make absolutely sure we build wonderful memories of those that come to the Lord in faith. They need our Love given from the Father and shared through the Holy Spirit. We must do this.
To throw the curve now. One of my best memories is the day, I saw my wife for the first time and she caused me to fall totally out of my mind head over heels for her. The next are those of watching each of our children being born, and baptized later in Christ. So my prayer for you is to build those memories and talk about them as they are your legacy for living a life for the Savior.
Let's explore this a little bit more. Memory as described by Webster's,"the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences."
So memory is what you make of it. Right? Mental capacity or faculty is a necessity. The ability to grasp or hold the memory is important. So is the retaining or reviving it. The it could be any of the facts, events, impressions, smells, previous experiences, sounds, etc. There is a lot to the memory thing isn't there? What helps you remember? Is it a random thought, or specific concentrated effort to bring back something that was experienced or not?
Now here comes the hard part to this little post. What do you remember as one of the most significant things that has ever happened to you in a positive way? If you are like me, there are quite a few of them, but for the sake of this discussion, which one is the most significant to you? Knowing my twist to the rest of my predictable blog posts, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it was the first time you encountered God on a personal one-on-one. Remember? I can tell you He does. He put you in a place where you had only one of two options. Listen to Him or reject Him. I've heard people say that God called them by name and rocked them to their knees. I've also heard people say that He pursued them and the first couple of times they didn't respond and so Jesus went out of their lives until He came back. There is no judgement here from me about that one. That's their story and they can stick with it. I would think that Jesus was there the entire time.
So what was it to you.? Where were you and what were you going through? Did He pick you up and comfort you from a broken sinful condition? Did you have someone with you or were you all alone? What did it feel like having the burden of sin taken from you? What a relief knowing that it wasn't up to me to do all, be all. Was that you too? Did you have a Bible with you or did you cry out for Him with all your soul and let the God moment bring you to His Grace? Remember. The memory after that moment of Grace should be one of great joy. It should be.
Paul and Timothy had it so right in Philippians 1:1-11, Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Jesus Christ, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; just as it right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers with me of grace. For God is my witness, how greatly I long for you all with the affection of Jesus Christ.
And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense til the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
They were remembering. They were joyful in those memories. Isn't it the same for us? Didn't you have fellow bondservants that mentored and prayed for you as a new believer? My prayer to you is that you had someone or somebodies that helped you, but unfortunately there are some that we don't help guide along for whatever reason. We need to make absolutely sure we build wonderful memories of those that come to the Lord in faith. They need our Love given from the Father and shared through the Holy Spirit. We must do this.
To throw the curve now. One of my best memories is the day, I saw my wife for the first time and she caused me to fall totally out of my mind head over heels for her. The next are those of watching each of our children being born, and baptized later in Christ. So my prayer for you is to build those memories and talk about them as they are your legacy for living a life for the Savior.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I'm What?
It's time to really confess. I'm a guy that is normal. No, that's not the confession. I'm just a man, that deals with all the things of this world. Lord knows. My heart burns for Christ. Nope, that's not my confession either. I'm selfish and self-centered. No, that's not it. I talk way way too much. Almost had it there, but no that's not it. I have to deal with a mind that flutters at over a thousand thoughts a second on everything that is around me including the things you can't even imagine. Close, but that's not it.
I love life and all points in between. I really do. The contact of reaching out and building a relationship is not really me. It's not. Those that are close to me and I mean close know that I can be perfectly happy spending quiet time in a book or just alone. I'm self reliant. I love my family and friends. My best friend ever is the person I have probably hurt the most in my life, that is my beautiful wife. Wow, how can that be? Why is it that we either unintentionally or intentionally hurt those closest to us. I'm not talking physically, but emotionally. It is so sad to me that I would have been that way. Now I could start justifying all the past misdeeds, but that truly isn't what confession or revelation is. I have been forgiven. No, really forgiven by not only my wife, but my children and my family. I've been broken. I've been lifted up also. The Lord of my life instead of condemning me gave me grace unending. His forgiveness washed me clean. I've been forgiven.
It came with a heavy price. One that I could never have paid. Never. Oh, I could talk about it of course, but remember I talk way too much. So why would you listen to me about that? That is the truth. You have to experience it. You have to truly experience it. The forgiveness part. You have to be broken to understand it. Really you do. Broken inside, knowing that no matter what you do won't be enough to make it right. It isn't about doing anything. It's about coming to grips with your brokenness and you have to experience it. You have to be at such a place the only way out for you is in the Hands of the Lord lifting you up cause you can't do it alone or with a friend. It has to be the Savior. Jesus Christ.
If you think that a life living a "good life," will get you somewhere, you're right it will get you somewhere, but it's not going to be where you think. If you were like me you could think that being alone would be alright. Just you and nobody else. Well, let me tell you eternity alone in the dark would be way too much alone. Not anybody and in the dark...Alone...Oh, my God, that would be so bad... That would be the worst thing in eternity. the dark...forever. If you think like I do, what a frightening thing. It's my scariest thought. No sensation, light, love, just your constant thoughts of everything that you ever did to put you in that place. Forget Dante's inferno. This would be so much worse. Forever.
Now before I lose your thought here, wouldn't it be more pleasing to spend your time with the Savior. Jesus and all the Heavenly Host? I'm thinking, yes. No, I'm thinking absolutely yes. A promise that He has prepared a place for me. That I will be with Him and those that are changed. Not alone. I needed to confess (reveal) my sin to Him, Jesus and ask for His love and Grace to take my sin away, and change my life, to make me new. To be born again, baptized. That my life would be full of His plan. That through the Holy Spirit we would be one with the Lord. My life was changed.
Oh, and it hasn't been easy. No, it hasn't. I struggled with many things as the Lord worked on my life. It would take me a long time to tell you all He's done for me, but remember this isn't about me. This is about you and those around you. If you say, "Well, Chris, I'm saved and doing what the Lord wants me to do." I'm going to tell you. No you haven't. Neither have I. It's time to get off our butts and do what He (Jesus) has commanded us to do. "Love one another." Not ourselves and our lives, but everyone's. Yes, even that sinner next door, or that dirty homeless man that you can't stand to be around, because it makes you uncomfortable. I'm with you. I need to do the same. Now you know that part you just read about being broken. Well, my friend it's now. We (me) included have to be broken for our brothers and sisters that need our love. So get off your ass (reference to an animal that walks slow and makes your butt hurt when you ride it for long times) and get on your feet. Make a difference. People are living alone in our community. They didn't make that decision, it's been made for them. We are the church. We are His people, we are His sheep. We need to help find more for His Kingdom before it's too late for us.
Pray for God to move your stinking, whining heart to soften to those around us. He want's us to make a difference. So make it and quit doing what you're not doing.
God Bless you my friends. My confession is that I am just like you. I want to do this my way. But God wants me to do it His Way. And I'm going to...
I love life and all points in between. I really do. The contact of reaching out and building a relationship is not really me. It's not. Those that are close to me and I mean close know that I can be perfectly happy spending quiet time in a book or just alone. I'm self reliant. I love my family and friends. My best friend ever is the person I have probably hurt the most in my life, that is my beautiful wife. Wow, how can that be? Why is it that we either unintentionally or intentionally hurt those closest to us. I'm not talking physically, but emotionally. It is so sad to me that I would have been that way. Now I could start justifying all the past misdeeds, but that truly isn't what confession or revelation is. I have been forgiven. No, really forgiven by not only my wife, but my children and my family. I've been broken. I've been lifted up also. The Lord of my life instead of condemning me gave me grace unending. His forgiveness washed me clean. I've been forgiven.
It came with a heavy price. One that I could never have paid. Never. Oh, I could talk about it of course, but remember I talk way too much. So why would you listen to me about that? That is the truth. You have to experience it. You have to truly experience it. The forgiveness part. You have to be broken to understand it. Really you do. Broken inside, knowing that no matter what you do won't be enough to make it right. It isn't about doing anything. It's about coming to grips with your brokenness and you have to experience it. You have to be at such a place the only way out for you is in the Hands of the Lord lifting you up cause you can't do it alone or with a friend. It has to be the Savior. Jesus Christ.
If you think that a life living a "good life," will get you somewhere, you're right it will get you somewhere, but it's not going to be where you think. If you were like me you could think that being alone would be alright. Just you and nobody else. Well, let me tell you eternity alone in the dark would be way too much alone. Not anybody and in the dark...Alone...Oh, my God, that would be so bad... That would be the worst thing in eternity. the dark...forever. If you think like I do, what a frightening thing. It's my scariest thought. No sensation, light, love, just your constant thoughts of everything that you ever did to put you in that place. Forget Dante's inferno. This would be so much worse. Forever.
Now before I lose your thought here, wouldn't it be more pleasing to spend your time with the Savior. Jesus and all the Heavenly Host? I'm thinking, yes. No, I'm thinking absolutely yes. A promise that He has prepared a place for me. That I will be with Him and those that are changed. Not alone. I needed to confess (reveal) my sin to Him, Jesus and ask for His love and Grace to take my sin away, and change my life, to make me new. To be born again, baptized. That my life would be full of His plan. That through the Holy Spirit we would be one with the Lord. My life was changed.
Oh, and it hasn't been easy. No, it hasn't. I struggled with many things as the Lord worked on my life. It would take me a long time to tell you all He's done for me, but remember this isn't about me. This is about you and those around you. If you say, "Well, Chris, I'm saved and doing what the Lord wants me to do." I'm going to tell you. No you haven't. Neither have I. It's time to get off our butts and do what He (Jesus) has commanded us to do. "Love one another." Not ourselves and our lives, but everyone's. Yes, even that sinner next door, or that dirty homeless man that you can't stand to be around, because it makes you uncomfortable. I'm with you. I need to do the same. Now you know that part you just read about being broken. Well, my friend it's now. We (me) included have to be broken for our brothers and sisters that need our love. So get off your ass (reference to an animal that walks slow and makes your butt hurt when you ride it for long times) and get on your feet. Make a difference. People are living alone in our community. They didn't make that decision, it's been made for them. We are the church. We are His people, we are His sheep. We need to help find more for His Kingdom before it's too late for us.
Pray for God to move your stinking, whining heart to soften to those around us. He want's us to make a difference. So make it and quit doing what you're not doing.
God Bless you my friends. My confession is that I am just like you. I want to do this my way. But God wants me to do it His Way. And I'm going to...
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Matthews 25:40 (NIV) "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'
My world was shaken and broken yesterday. I was hustling to get out of the house and on my way so I could open up the shop early. The shop was going to have me be the pretty face behind the desk for most of the morning until my spouse would show up. The radio was playing and there wasn't much traffic across town so the ride was good. I was feeling good and just going along not running my mind too hard and fast with clutter. The last four way stop sign before I turned right was empty of traffic which was unusual for the time of day. I turned right and started heading toward the railroad tracks up the hill.
My eyes were scanning the scenery and something caught my eye. Fifty feet or so from the railroad tracks was a small wheelchair on the side of the road moving slowly toward the tracks. As I drove closer and took in the scene, God told me to stop! What?! Stop? "Lord, Really?" "Stop!" Before I knew what I was doing, I was pulled over in front of the man trying to get up the hill. I looked behind me, rolled down the window and started slowly backing up, until I could see the man through my passenger window. I started to ask him where he was going, but God pulled me out of my car and send me over to him. "What Lord?" I walked over to this man and asked him, "Where are needing to go?" He said something to me quietly as he was hunched over. So I got close to him, and quietly asked him again, "Where are you needing to go?" "To Hartshorne," he said in almost a whisper.
"I'm heading to the shop, I'll find someone to take you there, so come on I'll take you to the shop," I said.
So here I was pushing him over to my car and helping him into my passenger seat, and putting his wheelchair in my backseat. I told him that I needed to open the shop and would he like a soda. He quietly said, "Sure, thank-you."
So here it is. A big dude pulls over next to a small footless man in a wheelchair, jumps out of his car parked in a busy street. After a couple of questions hustles this man into his car and drives him less than a hundred feet across the railroad tracks and parks the car in front of a gated building. This guy then disappears inside comes out with his arms full, locks the building back up and says "Where do you need to go in Harsthorne?" What would think if you were that man?
When I went inside God told me, "Take Him to Hartshorne."
'What Lord, I've got to be here for the business."
"No, you take him to Hartshorne."
"Okay, Lord I will." So I grabbed the drinks, and put a note on the door, knowing that in a few minutes people were going to show up to get stuff and I'd be gone.
I got back in the car and adjusted the Air Conditioning and started a conversation as if this was the most normal thing for me to do in my life. It was absolutely not, but I surrendered to my Father.
As we started talking, He gave me his name, and then told me. "Thank-you so much, God Bless you."
I was embarrassed by his thanks.
"No problem as the Lord told me to stop and help you," I said.
"This is what God told me to do,"
Now you need to understand that my car had less than a quarter of a tank of gas, I was running the Air Conditioner and wasn't sure I had enough to get there and back. And he was a smoker. Oh, what is happening here? I thought. God you are in control. My thoughts were rambling.
"So how were you going to get to Hartshorne?" I asked.
"I was going to wheel myself there if I had to." he quietly spoke.
"Well, God told me I was supposed to take you, So where are we going?"
"I need to see family and my girl friend." He replied.
Now I'm thinking what in the world are you doing and The Lord gave me peace. We talked about his loss of feet and other questions that I used to find out more about this man I was taking to Hartshorne.
He was so thank-full and talked about his needing to get his life right with the Lord. He had been attending church a few months ago, but his rides dried up. I could only imagine why, but God was using me in a most unusual and powerful way totally without my regard. I surrendered to this journey and was letting Jesus use me for His purpose.
We finally got to Hartshorne and turned down some back streets arriving at his girl friends home. He asked me to knock on her door and have her come to the car. I got out and walked to the door and knocked. The door opened and a woman stood there with a cigarette in her hand and asked me what I wanted. I told her and she had to get her shoes on and came outside to my car. They both talked for a few moments about staying in touch and he expressed his love for her and how he was planning to get right with God. I'm silently watching this unfold and being moved by the situation. They say good-bye to each other and I got back in the car.
"Where to now? Back to McAlester?" I asked. He wanted to go check on his step son that he hadn't seen in over a year. He continued to thank me and say what a blessing I was. "I'm just doing what the Lord told me to do." I replied. "It's truly not me, it's Jesus."
We drive around the streets until we come to a home that needed lots of Tender Loving Care. There was no-one there and I was relieved. He asked me to go to one more place and of course we drove there.
I had to get out and knock on two more doors until finally his step-son came out and his grand-daughter. They were in tears. All four of us. I stepped back and tried to be just a bystander, but they pulled me into their lives. They thanked me and were so appreciative. "I'm doing what the Lord asked me to do." That continued to be my mantra. "Praise the Lord!" I was moved. Finally, it was time to head home, I quickly text-ed my wife to let her know where I was.
As we drove back, he was moved to tears as he had been away from his sons for over a year because of an untruth spoken to his step-son and family. What God has put together let no man take apart. I asked him if He needed anything else from me. He needed a ride to the grocery store later that evening. After I dropped him off, I went back to work and was so thank-ful that the Lord had spoken to me and caused me to Stop! I turned on my iphone's music and God had the words from "if we are the body," by Casting Crowns playing. Thank-you Lord. Oh, yes and my car made it back on that small amount of gas left in the tank.
So broken as I was, I rejoiced in the Lord using me in a mighty way.
After the shop closed, I went to pick him up and we went to get him some food. I was the driver and he was the gatherer. He was able to come within $0.30 of his limit on his card. Once we got him back to his place, we prayed again, and I asked him what else he needed. He wanted some clean clothes so he could go to the Doctor. "I'll get on that." I left him and went home humbled by my Savior.
Today, I called a friend who runs a great outreach for the Lord, asking if I could pick up some clothes for my friend. He of course said. "Yes, come on over and get what you need." I took them over to him this afternoon and a friend of his was there. I introduced myself and told her why I stopped. "God told me to."
Her words were, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'
I thanked the Lord again for His God moment with me and went home.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Another God Moment, praying on the street in Ardmore
Have you ever made a decision to do something and then try to figure a way to get out of it elegantly? I was the only one on our Main Street Board to possibly attend some mandatory training in Ardmore as everyone had other commitments and the training was geared toward Directors of which we don't have at the moment.
My morning had already started early with physical therapy for ninety minutes, then back home to shower and the temptation to get a few more moments of snooze time was really getting to me. I called the state coordinator to see if I needed to drive the 2:30 min to just participate for a couple of hours then drive back home.
I was told that yes I could miss it and we could make up the training later. The he said something that caused me to commit. "We have a box here for your Main Street, it's 40 lbs of coloring books." I said, "I'm leaving in a few moments and I'll see you at 12:00."
I grabbed some cold water, camera, iPad, and headed to the car. I had the oil changed right after Physical therapy, so I was done. No problems on the drive through the two lane back roads of southern Oklahoma. The land looked a little parched, but still beautiful.
I arrived at the Ardmore train depot, walking into a room full of people listening to a man talking about restaurants from a customers perspective. It was informative and enlightening for this eating machine. I found myself agreeing with many of the perceptions that are the norm. I was starting to feel alright about the trip.
We were broken up into groups of five to assess a local restaurant with our group looking at food and the menu. Right up my alley. We walked over to the restaurant, which was finishing its heavy lunch hour. It was nice and worth another visit from me. I took some photos and was compelled to step out the back and look at the neighboring buildings. I stepped out and saw some boarded up brick buildings across the street and a large three story building across the intersection. While I was outside I glanced up at a man on a ladder next to me washing the windows. I asked him about the three story building, and the Lord presented me with a God Moment. Frank got off the ladder and introduced himself as a religious philosopher. He shared the story of a man that owned the building giving hope to the lost, those addicted to drugs and alcohol. How the owner's building was condemned by the city, but he was still committed to the lost. Frank told me how he moved his shop of hope downtown. I was being poured out by Frank as he shared his philosophy.
I was being filled up and prayed that God would reveal himself through the Holy Spirit as Frank was talking. I listened to Frank and he stopped and said, "Brother Chris let's pray." We jumped right to it. As I was praying I asked the Lord to show me truth from Frank, take deception away and share, just as I prayed that, Frank spoke those same words. My flesh was alive as my soul rejoiced. As we continued I wanted more divine truth, Lord was this why I'm in Ardmore? Frank then spoke words that have been on my heart about bridging the churches as we all are Christ's and we will meet Jesus in His kingdom not in different denominations of Heaven. He shared his background and how the Holy Spirit has moved him to share The Church with the lost. Jesus you move me past myself!
He left me on that corner to get information to me on the History of the True Church before it was made in man's perception. Well, as a History person, I was overflowing. We hugged and shared information. I humbly walked back to the train depot, touched that God would share himself to me on such a beautiful day in a different town.
The rest of the afternoon was wonderful. I gathered some more restaurant information and completed two more assessments. I picked up some sushi and came home praising the Lord for taking me to the street.
Take those moments to share our Creator, as he will share himself with you in the most wonderful places.
God Bless
My morning had already started early with physical therapy for ninety minutes, then back home to shower and the temptation to get a few more moments of snooze time was really getting to me. I called the state coordinator to see if I needed to drive the 2:30 min to just participate for a couple of hours then drive back home.
I was told that yes I could miss it and we could make up the training later. The he said something that caused me to commit. "We have a box here for your Main Street, it's 40 lbs of coloring books." I said, "I'm leaving in a few moments and I'll see you at 12:00."
I grabbed some cold water, camera, iPad, and headed to the car. I had the oil changed right after Physical therapy, so I was done. No problems on the drive through the two lane back roads of southern Oklahoma. The land looked a little parched, but still beautiful.
I arrived at the Ardmore train depot, walking into a room full of people listening to a man talking about restaurants from a customers perspective. It was informative and enlightening for this eating machine. I found myself agreeing with many of the perceptions that are the norm. I was starting to feel alright about the trip.
We were broken up into groups of five to assess a local restaurant with our group looking at food and the menu. Right up my alley. We walked over to the restaurant, which was finishing its heavy lunch hour. It was nice and worth another visit from me. I took some photos and was compelled to step out the back and look at the neighboring buildings. I stepped out and saw some boarded up brick buildings across the street and a large three story building across the intersection. While I was outside I glanced up at a man on a ladder next to me washing the windows. I asked him about the three story building, and the Lord presented me with a God Moment. Frank got off the ladder and introduced himself as a religious philosopher. He shared the story of a man that owned the building giving hope to the lost, those addicted to drugs and alcohol. How the owner's building was condemned by the city, but he was still committed to the lost. Frank told me how he moved his shop of hope downtown. I was being poured out by Frank as he shared his philosophy.
I was being filled up and prayed that God would reveal himself through the Holy Spirit as Frank was talking. I listened to Frank and he stopped and said, "Brother Chris let's pray." We jumped right to it. As I was praying I asked the Lord to show me truth from Frank, take deception away and share, just as I prayed that, Frank spoke those same words. My flesh was alive as my soul rejoiced. As we continued I wanted more divine truth, Lord was this why I'm in Ardmore? Frank then spoke words that have been on my heart about bridging the churches as we all are Christ's and we will meet Jesus in His kingdom not in different denominations of Heaven. He shared his background and how the Holy Spirit has moved him to share The Church with the lost. Jesus you move me past myself!
He left me on that corner to get information to me on the History of the True Church before it was made in man's perception. Well, as a History person, I was overflowing. We hugged and shared information. I humbly walked back to the train depot, touched that God would share himself to me on such a beautiful day in a different town.
The rest of the afternoon was wonderful. I gathered some more restaurant information and completed two more assessments. I picked up some sushi and came home praising the Lord for taking me to the street.
Take those moments to share our Creator, as he will share himself with you in the most wonderful places.
God Bless
Friday, August 3, 2012
Sorrow of Death and Joy of Life
I was reminded today about the sorrow of death and the joy of life. We sometimes look at our eternal perspective backwards especially if we don't know the person's faith. A blog I read this morning remains strong in my heart as the young person related visiting a children's hospital in Africa. While looking over all the children within the ward a young child looked her in the eyes and God made a connection. This young infant was beautiful in spirit and the young lady went over and held this little girls hand and continued to look her in the eyes. The lady was holding this waif of a child while the grandmother watched. The young lady was praying for the infant to live and that the Lord would be there for her healing. The girls breathing got more shallow and shallow until there was no movement in the chest at all. The young lady was angry that no one was there for the infant as she died in her arms. Finally the grandmother was deeply saddened and the staff took over. God spoke to this young woman as the mother returned to check on her daughter and found her dead. The girls heart was full as she was given the blessing that she was holding this young girl and passed her into the arms of Jesus in that moment of love. She was there to witness to the girl and the grandmother, just as the infant was witnessing to her upon her eternal life with the Lord.
A wonderful woman was sent to the Lord this week. I had the pleasure to work as a mediator in her court a few years ago. She was a compassionate Judge for our County. She was a servant and loved by her family and those she came in contact with. She will be missed.
Today a niece was born into this collective family and we have such joy for our nephew and his beautiful wife in the birth of their first baby a beautifully healthy red head. There is so much love and gratitude for this birth of family and friends.
That is the joy of everyday life, and in our spiritual life we continue to have joy as a loved one or friend passes into the hands of our Heavenly Father having no more pain or suffering of their human condition. What a Blessing that is. Imagine though the sorrow of someone that we know isn't a believer and has rejected the gift of eternal life. Oh, the pain knowing that we could have shared Jesus with them and didn't. How painful that is. Sorrow of true death, without the love of the Savior, for all eternity.
Breaks your heart doesn't it? What about those that think about waiting until the last minute and then just in case they've been wrong they ask the Lord into their life before they pass? What a sad way to spend a lifetime, not living the life that they know they could enjoy, but deciding to play like God? That's living a life that is a lie. So be true to yourself. If the call of the Lord comes to you, embrace it. Give Him all that he asks of you. Because He gave it all for you, His Blood took all our sin off that cross. Love Him and find the Joy of life.
See that blog here, be prepared to cry...
A wonderful woman was sent to the Lord this week. I had the pleasure to work as a mediator in her court a few years ago. She was a compassionate Judge for our County. She was a servant and loved by her family and those she came in contact with. She will be missed.
Today a niece was born into this collective family and we have such joy for our nephew and his beautiful wife in the birth of their first baby a beautifully healthy red head. There is so much love and gratitude for this birth of family and friends.
That is the joy of everyday life, and in our spiritual life we continue to have joy as a loved one or friend passes into the hands of our Heavenly Father having no more pain or suffering of their human condition. What a Blessing that is. Imagine though the sorrow of someone that we know isn't a believer and has rejected the gift of eternal life. Oh, the pain knowing that we could have shared Jesus with them and didn't. How painful that is. Sorrow of true death, without the love of the Savior, for all eternity.
Breaks your heart doesn't it? What about those that think about waiting until the last minute and then just in case they've been wrong they ask the Lord into their life before they pass? What a sad way to spend a lifetime, not living the life that they know they could enjoy, but deciding to play like God? That's living a life that is a lie. So be true to yourself. If the call of the Lord comes to you, embrace it. Give Him all that he asks of you. Because He gave it all for you, His Blood took all our sin off that cross. Love Him and find the Joy of life.
See that blog here, be prepared to cry...
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
The Living Water... Really? Yes, Really!
This morning the Lord spoke to me as I returned from Physical Therapy. He placed upon my heart to go out into our backyard and water the plants. Something very simple right? Oh, my no. As I started I looked out over all of them and noticed some looked really tired and worn down from the heat that has been beating us all down. I looked at them and thought let me give you some water to revive you so you can grow to be what God wants you to be.
I started with the first pot which has a tomato plant that is thin and has had some spider mite issues. When I turned on the water and approached the soil with the water spraying from the nozzle something amazing occurred, the soil wasn't ready to take the water full force, it had to be tendered. Meaning that I had to adjust the flow so the water wouldn't run all over the pot and find a quick exit out of the bottom. This was done and all the insects that have found a happy place were disrupted at first. I'm sure they will go back once the ground is moistened up and the water gives them cool and calm conditions once again. The tomato plant responded with sturdier leaves and stood a little taller after filling the pot with water. I proceeded to go to all of the other pots and filled them with the living water, watching the results as the plants responded to this gift of life. It was truly a God Thing.
He reminded me that I am just like one of the pots. Sometimes even with the right amount of watering, if I'm left to my own and don't receive the special attention that I need I can either wither or not grow correctly or even provide good fruit because I let the water go right through me. So it is important that I listen to my Heavenly Father as He gives me His Spirit of Living Water in order to grasp the gift He has so graciously provided. I can then respond and give back His gift for others to enjoy. The little bits of my sin are like those insects that get displaced, I can respond in any given manner by fleeing, fighting, or surrendering to the Plan. God gives me that choice. When I accept and surrender my sin, it can provides a means for change within me, to work it out by showing others that I am not perfect and don't have all the answers. That I can bear good fruit, and show love to others. I do know the Lord has all of that for me. My desire is to provide Good Fruit for my Heavenly Father, it should be all of ours. So let's share that with others. For the Water of Life leads to eternity, not to drought.
Thank-you Lord for giving me Hope for a better tomorrow as I yearn to seek you in others I love on today.
God Bless My Friends.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Oh my, you mean the world didn't end?
An amazing thing happened this weekend. The world didn't come to an end, my grass didn't get cut, and I was still in awe. This feeling of awe didn't have to do with watching the Olympics. It didn't have anything to do with anything that I was doing. The beautiful thing that happened was opening myself up to the possibility of God's Plan for my life and seeing little pieces of the puzzle fit together.
Everyone of us has within ourselves the ability to focus outside of ourselves to see the potential plans that are before us. Our lives aren't chaotic or just random in the things we experience. Think for a moment of your life, was it a random thing that put your parents together? I personally don't think so. There were attractions, or emotions that caused life to occur. Couldn't it be possible that where you were raised and what you experienced placed you in a position to do what God had planned for you in this puzzle of life. Think of a person or book or situation when you absolutely realized that there was something extraordinary in that experience. Now look for a connection. Most of us should be able to relate that to our present life. That is a piece of God's puzzle placed with another.
What we learn from one another has a bearing on something for the future. It might only be to share with someone else a personal touch of compassion or an interchange of life. The communicated shared experience that God reveals His Spirit to your soul. It is a God Moment! There are these moments out there, but you have to open yourself up to the reality of the experience. You will know it immediately when you focus on Him and others that He is using to show you...
Look for your God Moments... The puzzle of your life will become a vision of the Creator...
God Bless
Friday, July 27, 2012
Champions not in this world
The world celebrates the opening ceremony of the Olympics and we all are so full of wonder and excitement. We think of how this event causes the entire world to pause and be thankful for a world peace. The news coverage includes the dynamic stories of the athletes and their ability to overcome adversity and challenges to be the "best young people" our country has to compete in events for world glory.
I know of some wonderfully empowered young people that are in the most difficult challenges of their life. They have been raised and trained for this challenge through the heart ache and struggles that life has given them growing up. They are doing their best to represent their families and countries, and most importantly their Heavenly Father. Their challenge is to take the Love of Jesus to the lost in other countries. They won't be given any recognition for their success on this competition. They will receive their reward in Heaven, a Crown of Righteousness. These Young Adults are meeting the most important people on the planet in their country. They are celebrating the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins, and praising the Holy Spirit for enabling them to communicate through the Love of the Father. What an Olympic endeavor. There will be no agony of Defeat for any of them.
I encourage you to go to the following link and see the blogs of Team Sanctified:31:
Take a moment and reply to these fantastic young people, give them the encouragement they so earnestly deserve. They truly are our Olympic Champions in the Spiritual Battle for Jesus... God wins every time...
Some of them still could use your financial assistance to complete the race. Please consider giving to their cause. Cause it matters to the Father...
I know of some wonderfully empowered young people that are in the most difficult challenges of their life. They have been raised and trained for this challenge through the heart ache and struggles that life has given them growing up. They are doing their best to represent their families and countries, and most importantly their Heavenly Father. Their challenge is to take the Love of Jesus to the lost in other countries. They won't be given any recognition for their success on this competition. They will receive their reward in Heaven, a Crown of Righteousness. These Young Adults are meeting the most important people on the planet in their country. They are celebrating the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins, and praising the Holy Spirit for enabling them to communicate through the Love of the Father. What an Olympic endeavor. There will be no agony of Defeat for any of them.
I encourage you to go to the following link and see the blogs of Team Sanctified:31:
Take a moment and reply to these fantastic young people, give them the encouragement they so earnestly deserve. They truly are our Olympic Champions in the Spiritual Battle for Jesus... God wins every time...
Some of them still could use your financial assistance to complete the race. Please consider giving to their cause. Cause it matters to the Father...
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Oh yeah Mr. Pity Party... get going big boy
I was running the race toward a wonderful finish line, stumbling, falling and limping along. It was a valiant effort until I stopped for a moment which became minutes, then days. I felt pity and anguish in my squalor and pain. I was reading and listening to my bible, but still felt a need for understanding. My judgement was clouded as I called out to my Lord, Save me from this pain and suffering. My lovely wife was called to minister to me. She let me know that I needed to get up and get moving, that having a pity party wasn't what God desired for me. I was angry that she would tell me that and cause me to face my affliction.
I was infected with a bacterial infection that started in early December, that proceeded to attack my body and the plates and screws in my lower spine. I was in trouble and had been given numerous antibiotics and treatments for pain. I was losing lots of weight, not wanting to eat to was the norm. The pain of getting up out of bed was at times too much until I had to get rid of fluids or waste. I was attempting to function as if all was normal, but each time I attempted the normal it knocked me back down hard. I was wallowing in self pity and hurt. No one understood my pain and agony of just moving around. I went from using crutches to a walker and really struggling to go anywhere. My foot was swollen, my back hurt and I was taking numerous pain pills and antibiotics. My weight and color were fading and I almost was at a point of asking the Lord to take me and embrace me in my sleep. I was depressed and saddened in my condition. My wife was my strength. My family and our friends didn't give me up. They kept praying for me, they lifted me up in the arms of our Lord. He would talk to me through His word, but I didn't want to hear it. I was under the influence of some powerful medicine unable to see clearly the path the Lord had laid before me. I was scared which was amazing for as a believer we should never be scared at what comes in our future. For He has plans for us.
His plan was for me to endure and serve Him. I didn't want to get up and get moving again. The Lord set a plan in place to get me going again. He set me up with Sonja's Neurosurgeon to look at my MRI's and CT scans of my lower spine. I was scheduled for an appointment in late April. He looked over the information and on a follow-up visit for my wife's neck surgery, he told me to come in on the 4th of April. We did that, I was really thin, and pale, still limping along, but clothed in thousands of prayers. Dr. told me to call my cardiologist to fax an approval for back surgery for the next day. The next day surgery occurred and the infection was biopsied, plates and screws removed. I was back in the race, getting back up and looking toward the finish. The diagnosis was Staph-B, an infection normally that diabetics get. I was placed on a pic line to remove the infection. Amen, the Lord now had my attention fully again. Had I waited till late April for the original appointment I wouldn't be writing today.
Each one of us has a moment like mine. We wallow in self pity and anguish about this or that when all the Lord wants us to do is focus on Him, that our time on this world is share His love with others including our enemies. Not his enemies, but ours. For God so Loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16.
Can you relate? The next few verses explain the purpose. Live your life with all the passion and praise that you can give. Love one another, pray for one another, be thankful for one another.
I am so thankful for the blessing that God has provided to me and my family.
Love and God's understanding to you all.
Please pray for Kylee our daughter as she and many others have heard God's call to minister to others in 11 countries during the next eleven months. You may follow her by going to her blog page. I encourage you to pray for her and the G Squad and you may help financially if it is placed on your heart.
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