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Saturday, October 13, 2012

How crazy is this?

How crazy is this?  We spend our lives walking around in a daze.  Not paying attention to the real world around us.  I'm guilty.  When you leave the sanctity of your castle, you glance at the neighborhood quickly as you hurry to your car.  All is good.  The checklist in your head is checking off all the items that you know need to be taken care of as you progress.

Door locked, check.  Glance at it to make sure.
Neighborhood Free of People, check.  Look around once more to see if anything is out of place. Nope, good.
Glance at car before entry, check.  Dang it's dirty, note to self, wash this thing please, check.
Unlock door, check.
Climb inside, insert key, check.  Oh, put on the seat belt, it's only a short trip, put it on, check.
Check the station, volume and rotate to desired mood setting station,  check.
Turn on key, check.  Glance around inside then outside, listen to car sounds, check.
Put car in reverse, check.  Slowly back up toward street, check.
In the street, watching for other vehicles, children, or distractions, check.

Mind blank, body on full auto, check.  Driving, check.

We don't engage. Check, no really check.

Now let's engage not enrage one another.  Yup, let's engage NOT enrage one another!  We live in the best country in the world. The best!  Everybody wants to come to America and have the Freedom we have.  Our founding Father's built this Nation.  Our History shows the struggle to maintain it.  We have had disagreements and arguments between our ideals before.  It has even caused the Civil War.  Our families have banded together to make this a land of opportunity.  When things haven't gone the way we expect them to go we have all had the opportunity to vote and make a change.  We have engaged the process.  We are facing a difficult time.  The economy is not good. Look around you.  How many businesses are no longer there that were there four years ago?  I'm not placing blame here, I'm wanting you to engage.  Each time you go to the gas station to fill your car up, is it more or less than four years ago?  Engage with me.  I'm still not placing blame.  What has the government done for you in the past four years?  Should it have done all that for you?  In the past four years have you left a job for any reason and are no longer receiving any help?  Are you working two jobs now that don't compare to the job you had four years ago?  Engage with me.  I'm still just asking questions.  Do you really know the inner circle of the White House?  Really?  Can you name the Advisers to the President?  Do you know the members of the Senate?  The members of the Legislature?  Are you scared of what will happen to our country after the election?  Why are you so scared?  There are three branches of government and there are checks and balances in the system.  In the past four years who had control of the Senate?  Who had control of the Legislature?  Why couldn't they and the President build a budget?  Please still engage with me. Do you think that the next four years are going to be better if the present folks, the Senate, House of Representatives, and the White House stay the same?  The nation voted four years ago for change, it changed. Was the result today the answer you were expecting?  If it was, so be it. If it wasn't then who should be changed?  Do you know which President has used the most Executive Orders in the History of the Nation to gain unlimited power without using the other branches of the Government?  Do you think that is a good thing?  Why is the use of fear driving this election?  Do you actually think that women are going to become second class citizens and have no rights after this election?  Why?  Don't women in the countries we are currently fighting in have great freedoms?  Don't get enraged, just engage.  Don't we have more citizen rights than other nations?

Please engage this voting season.  Please don't enrage.  We have done that in our History before and it hasn't been good for anyone.  We may disagree, but we should have more to agree on together than anything.  When we think that one party is fighting to take away rights, look at the big picture.  Where else in the world could people have the opportunity to do pretty much everything and complain about it?  No where else.  If you think that it is better somewhere else, then please move there, cause I've been there and someone there would love to take your place.  Don't  enrage just engage.

So Engage with one another, Don't enrage one another. Check.

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