We as Christians have become polarized. We want to change the others that support the other party. All the usual arguments take place. The Democrats issue claims that Republicans are against the right for women to choose what to do with their own bodies, and that Republicans are against homosexuals or gay rights, and that Immigrants shouldn't be given amnesty for being in the country illegally, and that they don't care about unions and representative rights. Democrats claim that Republicans are not representing the people and their rights. They state Republicans don't care about the poor or those in need and they have lost touch with the common man. Republicans are racist, they want to keep the poor, poor. Republicans are evil, and that they don't care about anyone but big business is the mantra. What a lot of bad things to say about half of the electorate.
Now Republicans say that Democrats are for a woman's right to choose any form of birth control including the destruction of a child within the womb. That Democrats are for increasing the need for the government programs to assist those that don't work, or those that have a want. That taxes must be increased to pay for those programs. That it is the responsibility of those with businesses to pay for those that don't. Republicans state that Democrats have become socialists. Democrats believe in freedom for anyone to be able to marry anyone they desire in spite of law this is according to Republicans. The back and forth argument continues...
Now throw in the Christian perspective. Oh, how the mud slinging continues... Recent Democratic Christian comment has included the above mentioned about their Republican counterparts. How can Republican Christians vote for a non-christian? They would never do that. Republicans respond with How can Democratic Christians vote for a non-christian? A President who is Muslim, oh, no he's a Christian, really?
Why do we get so righteous over politics? Before we start arguing over who is right and wrong or which party is the best for us as Christians, let's be bold. The commonality of our Lord Jesus is the connection here. Wasn't there a Roman Centurion who had faith in the Lord? Of course there was, Matt 8:5-13.
Do you think for a moment that He was the same politically as the Sanhedrin or the disciples? No, he wasn't.
How can we as Christians co-exist with our politics? We can't. We are not of this world and we need to suck it up and get over it. Now which party should you belong to? I'm not going to tell you. That decision is for you and the Lord.
What do you believe about a person's individual right to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or anything or break the Law? Is that Okay? Is that conforming to the world view?
Is it okay for a person to kill another person? Is it okay? What about a murderer? What about an accident? What about an unborn child?
Is it okay for two consenting adults to marry? Is it okay for an adult and a teenager to marry? What if one of the teenagers is fifteen? What if they are really mature? Should there be a national issue with that?
Is it the governments responsibility to take care of it's citizens? Should the government be the biggest employer in the United States? Do you look at Matthew 5:3 and think of the poor? Shouldn't that be the poor in spirit? That doesn't state the physical condition, but spiritual.
As His disciples aren't we supposed to Love one another? So what does that mean to you? Does it mean that you only Love those that agree with your point of view? What about the orphans, widows, or the poor?
Do you believe in contracts? Does your word mean as much as your signature? As Christians shouldn't we believe in our Contract the Bible to live accordingly?
We need to bring change to this world and we aren't going to do that by always wanting to impress others with our point of view without discussing what we believe in.
I Believe that Christ died for me. The Lord shed His blood and sacrificed His Life for me. He purchased me a sinner because He loves me. That He doesn't care about my political point of view, He cares about my Spiritual Point of Grace. He is coming back! I thank the Holy Spirit for keeping me focused on this short foo-foo life. I Thank my God for the world I live on, and the country I breath in.
Peace and Love to you my brothers and sisters in Christ.
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