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Monday, January 15, 2018


Why Soulcon?  

You may be asking yourself why do I need to join Soulcon or take a challenge. 
Those were my questions back early in 2017.  My daughters husband, Derek, (now my son) was
exercising in his living room and I made the comment that’s what I need to be doing.
He without hesitation said download this app and it has all the information you will need to get started, I down-loaded it and it stayed on my phone, occasionally I would look in it. I even did
a few of the simple exercises a few times in the back yard. Nothing major for me. 

Then in July, I had an appointment with my Dr.s which included a full exam.  We were going over the results and I asked “what’s it going to take for me to live long enough to see my Grandchildren grow into their 20’s, they are currently little toddlers.”  He smiled and said, “ if you don’t do anything then you won’t make it that long.” “What??!,”  I said, “that’s not going to happen so what do I need to do?” Now some background, 70 percent disabled Veteran, numerous spinal surgeries and issues, nerve damage and pain in all extremities, triple by-pass (zipper club member at 50) few pounds overweight (then almost 30, CPAP user for over 17 years. Cholesterol issues.  When I looked at this truth, I was almost overcome with emotion as my mind was saying it’s all good.  This was my false reality.  So I earnestly listened as he explained that some exercise and changing my diet, not consuming lots of food, along with a positive mental attitude would be a first good step.  I boldly stated how’s 200 lbs by end of the year? I could see his smile was really for humor, as I had said that number for a few years and it didn’t happen.  I left feeling that I had to do something and quickly.  Not a diet plan or exercise plan, but something that would change my lifestyle for good.

I had two other Dr’s appointments with the VA.  I went and asked two different Drs at two separate appointments the same questions, they gave me the same answers.  Confirming the testing the Spirit three times issue. I prayed and was getting ready to whine about all of this, but I opened my phone and there was the red star on the green background and I opened the app and looked over the exercises for simple at home.  I started doing a few, then as I proceeded to look earnestly through the app I saw that walking would be good, so I started in late August to walk a mile and use the Nike and MapMyWalk apps.  I saw comments for Soulcon Team Challenge India and said why not.   It changed my life.  I read the book and joined in the chat, following along and my son Jeremy jumped in with me.

  Jeremy was consistently giving me information before and throughout the challenges encouraging me and telling my bride (his mom) to walk with me.   I even tried to jog once and  re-injured my foot, so any walking was finished until healing. Andrew BT was a Godsend.  I did the weekly exercises watching and copying Cody Bobay’s videos.  Amazing.  What really changed was my walk with Jesus.  

I started with morning prayer on my knees and then sharing more and more of Jesus Everyday.  I completed Soulcon Challenge India and had lost 24 pounds, then went out to my brothers in Vegas for our Nieces wedding.  Food was great along with family.  In a week even walking out there, 10 pounds went back on.   I kept up with a few walks during the break with the next   challenge which was Juliet.   Juliet started and I went for the Gold.  My spouse started to see the change in me and would walk with me, the need for my speed was discarded as the Lord shared with me that my moments with her needed to be special as she is my special blessing.  I love my bride of over 40 years, her  and I share the love of our parents, brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren and our friends.  I quit walking fast on our walks as it was more important to be spending time together and not trying to make the walk mine.  When we did this her time decreased as well wonderful for her fighting COPD.  
  • In Soulcon Team Kilo, I went back to my Drs in early  December to do follow ups to the July- August check ups.  My primary physician was happy.  I was at 206 pounds although he said he really expected me to reach 200. He said all my blood work showed great results and  now I needed to make sure that I ate some fat as my brain needed that good cholesterol to be there. I told him I would do my best before the end of the year.  The following week I went to the VA for my two separate visits,  my weight was 202.6, with two weeks to the end of the year.  I had walked over 128 miles by then, Praise God.  

My modified exercises and walking outside had given me new life.  My commitment to live for Jesus has never been stronger, my shield brothers have been a Blessing along with the leaders of this ministry of Soulcon.  Why do I love this, it’s because the focus is on Jesus, to proclaim the Good news, preparing your body as a living sacrifice for Christ, for fighting for Him to beat back the five Giants that Satan uses to chain souls, for loving the lost so much that sacrificing my body to be His servant is Righteous.  So step up and step into a brotherhood that will change your life and will create a world shaking change to bring Jesus back to Earth as it is written. We have already won, but we need to do our part.   God Bless.
His Humble Servant, Papa T.

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