Every relationship has trouble and difficulties. I know, I was most of the difficulties in my relationship with my beautiful wife. I was a control freak and didn't even realize it. I thank God that He isn't one. Why do you think we have free will? How can you love someone or something without free will? It is the ultimate freedom to Love. Controlling someone or something is just so wrong in any relationship. So is giving up! I know that I'm going to touch some nerves here and that's okay. The Lord showed me that He was in control and that for me to understand His Love I had to bow down to His Will. His words to me as I let my controlling issues pass. "I will bless you and I will still Love you."
For Jesus loved me First, and I really believe that will all my soul. My key to freedom was forgiveness. I was able to truly forgive myself and others through the Lord. After all, He was beaten and tortured mercilessly for me and you. He Fought for it. He didn't surrender! He gave it all in His nakedness on the cross. Our lamb of God, our redeemer. It didn't end there, He was buried in a Tomb and rose again in Victory, but wait, He ascended into the Glory of Heaven promising His Return. He Promised! He didn't surrender with His relationship with me or anyone else. He told me that He loved me and that He wouldn't abandon me. I believe Him. Shouldn't you?
So why do we treat the ones we love with such distaste, is it because we can't change them to what we want? Or is it because we see in them the things that remind us of our failings. Are we jealous of each other because he/she does something so much better than we do? Why do we do that? It is due to our own insecurities and issues. I know because that has been me. When people find out how long I've been married , often the response is, "Really, how could you stay with someone that long, or how did you find someone to put up with you that long?" I laugh. It has nothing to do with me or my wife. It has to do with the Lord. Oh, I'll give my wife most of the credit because it's true. She fought for me, She didn't surrender. She always prayed that I would be the Man that God desired for me to be. She saw the potential for a Warrior King, a Legend in His own Mind, she saw it in me, even when I couldn't.
Relationships need nurturing and care. The Lord uses His Word and our Prayers to reach His inner most chamber. The War Room, where He reassures His creation. Yes, we are His creation. He wants us to fight for our marriages and our families. It is the legacy of His Love for Us. I'm going to continue to Fight for marriages and relationships and be the Leader that He has called me to be. I won't surrender for the Savior is with me. He is waiting for you to pray and fight for Him and this world. Don't be remembered as a coward. Stand up and fight for your current situation. If you believe in the Lord you will do it with all your heart, mind, strength, and soul.
See you in the War Room.